Паразитарная теория рака

Формула рака паразитарного происхождения.
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Автор:  Veritas [ 07-12, 22:13 ]
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Петрович писал(а):
Борис, не переживай: в книге всё разжёвано.

Все, да не все.
1. В книге не расшифровано понятие, что такое малигнизация клеток и что такое незаживающая и постоянно растущая рана?
2. Нет объяснения, почему к опухоли подводятся дополнительные кровеносные сосуды и почему их пережимать нельзя?
3. Нет объяснения, как формируется структура опухоли?
4. Почему ткань опухоли имеет в 10 раз меньшую прочность на разрыв, чем здоровая ткань?
5.Что делают здоровые клетки в опухоли?
6. Почему ткань опухоли может быть губчатой и в виде щетки?
7. Почему инвазия в здоровую ткань может распространяться лучами, как клешни рака?
8. Почему требуется длительный курс трихопола?
9. Почему в СК входит урина и сырая картошка?
10. Почему ткань опухоли и сам больной пахнет пропастиной?

Еще может быть много вопросов.

Автор:  Петрович [ 08-12, 00:22 ]
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Замётано! В новой книге будет глава "Ответы на вопросы Бориса Чоповского". Без шуток!

Автор:  Veritas [ 08-12, 07:03 ]
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Для меня большая честь, что вы посчитали наши принципиальные вопросы достойными, чтбы их подробно проанализировать и включить как составную часть в теорию, объясняющую, что такое рак. Надеюсь, что у нас с вами будет консенсус в понимании основных положений теории. Мы с Плюсом дали свое понимание теории развития рака в своей формуле рака паразитарного происхождения. Считаем, что в формуле рака отражены основные положения теории. Возможно и развитие этой теории в части уточнения отдельных положений. Формула рака может быть взята за основу для всех последующих дискуссий. Считаем, что основные принципиальные вопросы раскрыты в формуле. В этой формуле мы указали на ошибки в формуле рака, которую составил доктор биологических наук А.Лучник. Должна остаться одна теория, но верная. Для этого всем нужно прийти к общему знаменателю и не мутить дальше воду. Формула рака позволяет разрабатывать эффективные методы лечения рака. Мы со своей стороны считаем, что все проблемы теории рака и методов его лечения уже успешно решены. Не так страшен черт, как его малюют. Теперь смело можно сказать, что от рака могут погибнуть только дураки и развратники. Чтобы лечить рак не нужно просить прощения у Бога, привлекать высшие силы, лезть в четвертое измерение и обладать особым складом ума. В общем теоретики типа Яцкевича и другие остались с носом и не зря они все попрятались и боятся открытого обсуждения в интернете. От нас прячутся все доктора и академики. Получается, что один дурак может задать столько вопросов, что и сто мудрецов не ответят. Решить все проблемы рака помогает интернет и свободное обсуждение. Мы уже давно подняли знамя победы над онкогенетиками и ждем, кога они все честно выйдут из своих укрытий с белым флагом для безоговорочной капитуляции. Тогда во всем мире будет праздник и запируем на просторе.

Автор:  Veritas [ 22-12, 15:28 ]
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На форуме http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid= ... =0&thold=0 опубликовали формулу рака и началось её обсуждение, но среди медиков началась паника и тему заморозили. Теперь она у меня не открывается. Чует кошка, чье мясо съела. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения это не просто, а нож в сердце онкогенетиков. ИМХО.

Здесь вот тоже боятся обсуждать формулу рака и отвечать на наводящие вопросы. Проще прятать голову в песок.

Автор:  Петрович [ 22-12, 23:08 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Не, Борис всё открывается. Кроме сознания у Петра Савченко, который уверен, что если он - дурак, то все остальные тоже должны быть дураками.
Он меня повеселил утверждением, что "в опухоли трихомонад нет". Так откуда взяться живым дифференцируемым клеткам в мешочке с гноем?
Не отвлекайся ты на вдалбливание дуракам того, что им никогда не понять!
Давай лучше о движке: вот это - серьёзное дело!!

Автор:  Veritas [ 23-12, 03:50 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Про движок будем говорить в своей теме. Фирма Мерсндес, а сейчас она Даймлер Крайслер уже выпускает спотивные двигатели с двухтактным, но у него большие недостатки и можно переплюнуть их двигатель. О недостатках их двигателя я скажу.

Автор:  Veritas [ 14-01, 04:48 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Наша с Плюсом Формула рака паразитарного происхождения переведена на английский язык и включена в большой медицинский справочник.
http://translate.google.com/translate?h ... n%26sa%3DN

Formula cancer parasitic outbreak
Authors Czopowski BP and Plyusnin VI
We propose to open a new theme: Formula cancer Parasite outbreak, which are sponsored, I, Boris Veritas and Vasily Plus. Such a formula that describes all degrees of education Parasite cancer occurrence on items while also not. According to the theory onkogeneticheskoy Formula cancer is the emergence of genetic author Dr. A. Luchnick.
In general, the emergence of the genetic theory of cancer, there are more than 300 - from the language what cancer, and all are different. Onkogeneticheskih many theories and not less than 10 - ty pieces. Clearly, the need to highlight the correct one theory that this cancer. Such membranes at the forum in mid-2004, I promised to present moderator Fargone skinny theory that the cancer, and she replied to me that the Republican wants skinny theory. No pre case does not arrive. I only had time to present the first indications of such a theory and Fargone expelled me with the forum. They pushed me hard sticks in the wheels and did not give talk on the merits. At that time, all of Molecular sharahalis parazitv and I am persuaded that there is no blood trihomonad and that it lives only in mochepolovom tract. At that time, Molecular to the same campaign against illiteracy is not passed, and now, and Yatskevich with Gromoboem rak.by start with a forum to talk about parasites and trihomonadu. But the bulk of pre onkogenetikov then is not willing to accept the findings of the WHO and the opening of the Nobel laureates that combines parazitarnoe cancer occurrence. Ie and perhaps it is time to revert to the formula Parasite cancer occurrence. We often discussed the formula with Plus and cancer occurred in the formula for clarification. We do not believe our final formula and in the process will make it needed clarification. Can a formula several options and we will celebrate their numbers. Now likely to provide the first version of the formula, which is high, since finds more than 50 - not the items and we will not rush. I ask sides to show patience with the opponents and did not start the criticism, we do not give all the conclusion formula. Portion of the state, I will agree with and refine Plus. In this formula will be differences as compared with the theory PhD TJ Svischevoy and the SP Kurenkova
A correct theory facilitate the scheme to select the correct therapy of cancer. Nothing praktichney than the correct theory. Because of the correct theory will need to work out the correct standard cure. After work comrades!

30.01.2007, 23:16
The presentation material on the formula will give portions of cancer for a better digestion. I portion regarded as a possible


I Dose
Cancer - one of the most mysterious and thicker зараз. Taken to believe that there are many causes of cancer diseases launch education. Believe that cancer is a disease tiered. Currently, as the main causes of cancer are considering parasitic genetic theory and the appearance of cancer. In theory Soviet founder of a parasitic cancer Professor MM Bahur, which starts at 40 - in terms of a special researcher at the school and its followers. However, the launch 60 - years parazitarnaya School Nevyadomskogo was defeated without a balance on the initiative of a new director VONTS surgeon Blokhina on konyukturnym reasons in the wake of formation, which was formerly in exile, genetic science, which was rejected by the teachings of Lysenko and Darwin. In all the analysis on the outcome of the theory of a parasitic cancer were discontinued and closed their continued funding. However, with the launch 90 - ies level researchers returned to the consideration of the theory of the emergence of a parasitic cancer. The impetus to the revival of a parasitic have alternative theory, independent analysis conducted by chemist Svischevoy TJ, which has made the level of applications for the opening and found that the universal agent of all cancer diseases is trihomonada unicellular parasite. According to the new theory of a parasitic cancer, heart attacks, strokes, impotence, diabetes, prostate, scurvy, steam gums, miscarriages and premature fruit from baryshen, this exodus influence trihomonad .. New parazitarnaya theory makes topical question the reliability of the genetic theory of revising the appearance of cancer, which after 40 years of complete domination has not made any new discoveries and has been unable to increase the effectiveness of cancer cure diseases. Currently, the emergence of the theory of genetic cancer obladaetsya eve of 300 formulations that this cancer, and all are significantly different from each other. This suggests that pre far, no one has no clear idea what cancer. As the revival of the theory of the emergence of a parasitic cancer occurred needed to clear wording that such a parasitic cancer occurrence, because existing wording is no longer reflect the actual effect of the development of cancer and did not give the right answer, as a cancer cure. By now have the same condition that supporters and parasitic genetic theory of cancer with no credibility deny opposite view, and hence among these concepts is intransigent fight what you want to see how duel, in which the winner may be considered as theory, which owns a greater number of reliable facts. In doing so, forced an uncovered all the errors and weaknesses of these two theories place. The analysis is useful to consider the genetic theory of the emergence of cancer, doctors provided by the writings of biological sciences A. Luchnick. "Formula cancer, academician GRAMMOV.I Abelian." What is a cancer "and researcher AM Nesvetova" Notes on of cancer. " Parasitic theory of cancer must be considered on the basis of the Soviet analizirovany professor M.M Nevyadomskogo independent researcher and microbiology Svischevoy TJ
Parazitarnaya theory of cancer, there has been no lack of 100 years, and continues to grow, both domestic and foreign scientists. TJ Svischeva made a most important step in understanding the parasitic nature of cancer, because identified the causative agent is identified, and all cancer diseases, parasite trihomonada what happens. Svischeva, developing the theory of the emergence of parasitic cancer, took over from the Soviet Professor MM Nevyadomskogo what of the same in 40 - s of the last century and held a classic experiment has proved that cancer is parazitarnoe disease. In his Nevyadomsky experiment proved that the cancer may give higher type of animal to the lowest type of animal, because he was able to give cancer from human to mouse. Because of this experiment Nevyadomsky concluded that privivayutsya not from the tumor cells of the body that is not possible, and parasites, which are in the tumor. He was unable to name the only type of parasite now, because at the time, moreover, was not electronic microscopes. Svischeva convincingly proven that this happens trihomonada parasite, which is best suited sake role causative agent of cancer. Currently, startuya since 1996 .. g, parasitic nature WHO confirms cancer. According to the findings of the WHO cancer occurrence of parasitic already learned how to effectively cure. Prove the contrary is useless. At the same time, after the last 10 years there have been major works onkogenetikov what eve then try to prove that the cancer is a genetic disease, which is called spontaneous mutation occasional cells. They continue to defend its dogma researchers predecessors that the cancer cell, on the occasion of Change genetic code gets indefinitely and the ability to share unchecked, it is immortal and is able to exist and develop, even in gistopreparate, being separated from the mother's body. Molecular from despair to prove anything, has already agreed to consider that the cancer itself is the parasite and therefore it must give to any other body. They do not understand that coli cancer is really parasite, then you need to kill her. They continue to insist that the only plausible means of curing cancer is on the cutting operation and tumor metastasis, irradiation and chemotherapy. This way they have organized conveyor sake of cancer patients death. They, despite the WHO's findings do not want to take into account the fact that cancer has a parasitic disease, and thus it is possible to cure outpatient circumstances without the operation, radiation and chemotherapy. This should cure the whole organism in order to suppress the parasite, rather than locally, providing only for the tumor. Apologist onkogenetikov doctor of biological sciences A. Luchnick, without supervision WHO findings that cancer is parasitic disease, a new interpretation of what cancer and wrote an article "Cancer Formula" (genetic occurrence), which is published in the journal Ontogenez, which is issued by the Institute of Biology Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Luchnick in his article for the first time became viewed cancer as nezazhivayuschuyu and constantly growing wound. He believes that the wounds created cancer tumor cells, which mutations in the genetic code analysis, ad hoc cells of the body start uncontrollably share and increase the mass of cancer cells. A. Luchnick describes the procedure for the wounds of development in which allocates the following steps:
1. "Let's start with wounds zazhivayuschey: when you accidentally cut his hand, immediately startuetsya procedure for healing wounds. Closure of blood and aggregation of blood cells on the surface of the wound - the first and only important stage of healing. Aggregating blood cells (macrophages, granulocytes, and platelets) start to allocate tsitok Dioxin - proteins regulating cell division. Maximum known cytokines - cell growth factors. Simply put, these factors are forcing the growth of new cells, filling the wound. Why blood winding down? Signal serve damaged or dead cells on the surface of the wound. (In vitro blood being withdrawn from contact with the glass surface of an alien.) Moreover, thousands of cells on the surface of the wound, which killed a kitchen knife you are not silent. They cry about their perdition - themselves emit growth factors and cytokines particular to encourage the growth and migration of cells. Cytokines blood cells and dead cells are forced edema matter: molar filled lymph space, and there are certain to crawl lymphocytes and other cells that make up the in ranozazhivlenii. In the future, we restate the sake of simplification will be talking exclusively on the growth of new cells, because this is the most important. To describe the details of the procedure for healing wounds that require an entire book.
Thus, essentially dividing the signal to the cells are dead cells on the surface of the wound itself. These cells are not just dead - they died route necrosis. There is a kind of cell death - apoptosis. This organism once during normal living cells destroys certain own - figuratively speaking, re-replacement of parts during the inspection. " (See "Science and Life" № 8, 2001 mg. - Ed.) Podkontrolno dying cells are not able to run a cascade of biochemical accidents zazhivlyayuschih wound. Make it can only nekroticheski dead cells. So either dying cells from physical damage or from accidental, the body is not subject to faults chromosomes. Stem cell necrosis, for example, when the radioactive exposures (less lymphoid cells). The radiation breaks the DNA molecule in which a random places. (Gaps DNA (both yarns double helix) energetically heal cells, but 100% cage fracture healing is not always succeed.
2. Of the untreated chromosome breaks occur on faults visible under a microscope. Coli razlomannoy chromosomes from the cell divided, the two daughter cells with a high possibility of dying from necrosis (due to the retreat of the balance of genetic material from the daughter cells). Such cell organism perceives as dead from accidental injury, for example from a cut hand kitchen knife.
When the wound healing cell division stops, if there is scar from the wound without submitting the balance of new cells. Stop dividing cells - the final stage of wound healing. When the wound also cut once again begin the influence of cell. Signaled it will further nekroticheski dead cells.
3. In experiments with animals, the risk of any ill cancer enormously Sublime (vysokorakovye Line), cut is the same wound several times to cause malignant tumor growth. U normal animals or humans this is not enough.
4. No Cola for the tumor or other reasons have already appeared, the cells must acquire only one important feature - a genetic instability, given that in any generation cell chromosomes appear random faults with the frequency of about 1-30%. Progeny cells now, as we already know, unsustainable: daughter die of necrotic cells. Kohl them, say, 10%, then this is enough for the system of healing attacked at tumor and has been encouraged her cell divisions. The division of tumor cells automatically lead to the origin of the same 10% of dead cells, and they again intensify system of healing, and so eve of infinity, or rather, before the physical death of a human or animal.
5.Zametim that sacrificing dead cells, tumor grows more slowly than normal cells to grow up, but instead she gets unlimited chances to rise - albeit slowly, but surely, and eventually it will kill the organism. This, as many-headed dragon of a Russian fairy tale: he cut off one head - grow two ... "
In discussions A. Luchnika now questioned you will enter its conclusions, as reflected in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5. In our opinion, since There is not a sufficient evidence to believe goes errors.
1. According to paragraph 3. Kohl wound cut several times it is also no reason that razovetsya malignant tumor.
2. According to Clause 4. It is not that long for the tumor or other reasons have already occurred, the cells must acquire only one important feature - a genetic instability.
3. According to Clause 5. There is no proof of the assertion that, sacrificing dead cells, tumor grows more slowly than normal cells to grow up, but instead she gets unlimited chances to rise - albeit slowly, but surely, and eventually it will kill the organism.
Aside from the fact Luchnick A. does not explain the procedure and the development of metastasis than incidental to the main signs zlokachstvennosti type of neoplastic cells, if they take place and the degree of plasticity giperplastichnosti. Luchnick not attributes cancer attributes parasite, which poisons and toxins organism acquires attributes invasion coli cancer cells in the teeth healthy cells.
As a result, we believe that the influence of tumor development, and to the same effect in improving the outcome of infinite wounds dividing transformed cells with chromosome breaks, A. Luchnick imagine wrongly. He did not propose new funds cancer therapy, and did not question the official scheme therapy with the use of radiation and chemotherapy operations. His theory does not question that might cure cancer locally, providing for the malignant tumor and metastases.
On special education, and describes the development of malignant tumors researcher AM Nesvetov in his article "Notes on of cancer." He believes that cancer cells are young nedefferentsirovannye cells, which undergo homepage stage of the evolution of ancient unicellular organisms. He describes these cells as odinochne, which can seat a negative charge and owned property to build from each other. These cells can exist independently and not form a solid material. This, in his view, too many cells, which do not differentsirvany uncontrollably and could only accelerated share. These cells do not die in the outcome of necrosis or apoptosis, and as defective cells, T-killers kill leukocytes. Nesvetov says nothing about an open and ever-growing wound, and does not explain how these cells appear. Nesvetov comes to the disappointing conclusion that the cure for cancer, and that life needs to death. However, all issues as education stems cancer, and how it might easily cured likely to withdraw if we assume that cancer is parasitic disease, but in most cancer are parasites, about as described below.
In drawing up the formula takes into account the emergence of cancer Parasite sleduyuschte abstracts from the book TJ Svischevoy VEROYATNA CANCER PREVENTION. VRZBUDITEL CANCER OPEN? Published Rostov--1997
Svischeva. Abstracts sake consumption:
1. Strange similarities among cancer and heart disease. And those, and the other had long asymptomatic age. People do not notice the fearsome disease, and has formed a tumor thrombi. Infection becomes apparent once went too far: as a guideline, is the depletion of the body, anaemia, immune system - eventually starts stick any disease.
2. Formed from trihomonad tumor and thrombi - belesovogo colour and the matter of human cells have the color red meat.
3. For example, the plague or cholera, typhoid exclude - a person can get sick just one of the ills now, because they are different vectors are feuding with each other.
4. Researchers studied zhgutikovuyu trihomonad form. They had no idea that it was a cyst, pochkuyuschihsya forms of tumors formed in bodies thrombi and plaque in the vessels of blood.
5. In serum, there are poisons which emit Trichomoniasis.
6. Trihomonada nutritious stealing material from the serum, synthesizes cholesterol and lipids highlights. Lipidic stains on the walls of vessels serving food warehouses and protection parasites.
7. Trihomonada first affixed to the wall receptacle and allocates caustic materials razryhlyayuschie matter. Coli prepared soil, the parasites into the matter.
8. Obosnovyvayas receptacle in the wall and going into a fixed way of life becomes trihomonada tsistopodobnuyu or pochkuyuschuyusya stage of existence. Parasite starts to multiply pochkovaniem: new cells grow old on the body as a tree buds, which in turn. provide new kidney. So asexual form a single colony, which utolschayut wall receptacle. Parasites become closely, they lack food and nowhere to allocate waste. So they again punched through the wall in the clearance of the dish and continue to grow, omyvayas blood. As a result, the formation of knots, carry-in thrombi. (s.149)
9. Zone habitat trihomonad urogenital tract is not limited. Indeed, in the human body parasite trihomonad three types: oral, vaginal and gut. And they are being implemented in the matter bodies or penetrate through the wall of vessels with the help of their enzyme gialuronidazy able to loosen material and mixed connective matter, concluding gieluronovuyu acid. Entering into receptacles Trichomoniasis, along with blood or lymph raznosyatsya throughout the body and get into all organs, in the quantities in the bronchi, lungs, heart, liver, mammary gland, and other.
10. Q least patient is required to be an individual approach, primarily to the identification of the causative agent of infection, and only later this targeted therapy, folding suppression of disease pathogens and stimulating protective efforts diseased human body.
11. Trichomoniasis increase microbial pathogenicity.
12. Comment on the availability of blood trihomonad doctor refused, although the fact of detecting blood in the wake trihomonad forced to be serious proceedings - after all the blood, in the opinion of doctors, sterile.
13. Svischevoy had in the laboratory working with miomami which represent a whitish solid development, like cartilage, hardly capable of a scalpel. She knows that flagellates on its surface can provide a special protective shell of the cornea transparent materials or brawny. And as oncologists explain the appearance of solid hryaschevidnyh outgrowths of soft matter uterus and the more their education under the effect of the reverse trihopola?
14. In Healing trihopolom patients derive from the body's healing in many seemingly unrelated to the primary disease targets:
-- was held without antianemicheskogo anemia therapy,
-- stopped exacerbations of chronic relapsing inflammatory action rubtsevalis ulcers and gastrointestinal tract,
-- eliminated bleeding gums and paradontozy,
-- stopped exacerbation of chronic pneumonia and bronchial attacks became less frequent asthma,
-- considerably ukorachivalsya several sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes,
-- nalazhivalas bowel function and normal kidney work,
-- disappeared oedema eye and normal weight of urine.
15. Trihomonad of having rights, a physician treating a patient can achieve, regardless of which set of diseases "unknown etiology" he suffers. But how free the individual from trihomonad while few know! The best specialist among them, apparently, is Mel'nikova.
16. While remaining undetected and is not concerned, trihomonada razmnozhayas, overrides clearance in blood vessels, calling impotence causes chronic or recurrent prostate, and the pros and prostate adenoma, and, finally, cancer. Knowing this, doctor Melnikova, while proceeding to cure his patients, and takes care of her doctor wife.
17. Despite the tremendous advances in curing the patient, not just Melnikova accounts. Reveal trihomonadu which is not even able to detect immunity client, but to destroy it without hurting the organism - is the outcome of long and hard work, and the constant search for a permanent commitment.
18. Having developed and introduced into practice effective diagnostic method "Method for detecting trihomonad energetic," she crossed all barriers detectability of this parasite and exited at 90 per cent of the total number surveyed baryshen. This audience higher authority: followed repeated verification laboratory services which was accused of giperdiagnostikn trihomonad. For the sake of medical leadership has become a full revelation of the fact that almost all the ladies and, therefore, these men struck parasite.
19. Svischeva argues that not 90, and 100 percent of the population of our country are infected with trihomonadoy and can prove it. Hence the eve of how to begin to heal diseases of unknown etiology, it is necessary to reveal not only the principal but also the possible causative agent of mass companion, which has caused human disease.
20. Blood is the track, which uses trihomonada sake of the movement and colonization of the body. Depending on the many reasons it could be a lot or not enough, but it is for everybody. And not her fault, but our misfortune that clinicians do not know trihomonadu in blood.
21. Melnikova saw gynaecological disease that leads to a pronounced anatomical replacement organs and in the matter and calling different localization of cancer.
Some of the state have proposed new formula cancer, and the dose of states are original interpretation and they are not consistent with those of the TJ Svischevoy and the SP Kurenkova They probably will draw the attention of other, as they explain the new influence of the major cancer education.
Parazitarnaya theory of cancer permit to submit the entire effect of launch and disease as the level of education consistent and dependent of each other stages:

31.01.2007, 07:38

Formula Parasite cancer occurrence. II portion

1. According to an analysis Svischevoy TJ causative agent of all cancer diseases is trihomonada parasite, which may be oral, gastric and vaginalnayayaimeet, and may wish to enter into so 100 different varieties. High pathogenic and aggressive is vaginal trihomonada.
2. Trihomonada can be transmitted vertically from Mom to the foetus during birth and horizontally sexually route. Separate trihomonad virus types, which are detkami initsiale, can be transmitted to domestic route, and by the same route airborne droplets when breathing. Trihomonada worst of all birthday. In no circumstances take the form of existence Trichomoniasis cysts, which sberegutsya eve 100 years, and may resurface later. Thus they can be saved in the cemeteries as anthrax. Trihomonada obladaetsya of all warm-blooded animals, startuya with dinosaurs.
3. Separate danger Trichomoniasis sexually transmitted route, as in the sexual sphere they know best circumstances education and feeding. When in a foreign organism, it must adapt to new circumstances existence. In particular, can be a antogonizm Split trihomonadami trihomonadami host and donor. This incident could deploy after the fight existence among different types trihomonad and will feed into the organism more toxins. In the nature of such phenomena known. For example, every family, there is a colony of bees autonomously. Families bees nest continuously protects against invasion special bees. There duration of one family to another. In this precedent startuetsya battle until one family bees ubyut not all bees special family.
4. Trihomonada increases the pathogenicity of parasites in the body.
5. Trihomonada is a slow disease, which manifests itself not in the same time. Trihomonada this ancient microorganisms which there was a dinosaur. She subsequently adjusted millennium live organisms, and can protective attributes. It is surrounded by a mucus and creates around him tell of antibodies, which inhibit the identification of the immune system protection. Her hit in the body does not increase body temperature is calling. Long time, it does not show themselves, but little by little stems colonization of the whole body and then in the blood by increasing their numbers, and then by allocating parasite toxins. The toxins affect the vegetative immune system and inhibit the efforts of the organism.
6. There precancerous position of the client, since the colony trihomonad poisoning organism and progressively suppresses immunity. Reduced immunity, and accumulation in the body other pathogens helps different origin accompany chronic diseases. TJ Svischeva Notes: When trihopolom illness in patients derive healing organism in many seemingly unrelated to the primary disease targets:
-- was held without anemia antianemicheskogo Healing,
-- stopped relapses exacerbations of chronic inflammatory processes and rubtsevalis ulcers gastrointestinal tract,
-- eliminated bleeding gums and paradontozy,
-- stopped exacerbation of chronic pneumonia and bronchial attacks became less frequent asthma,
-- considerably otbavlyalsya several blood sugar from diabetes customers,
-- nalazhivalas bowel function and normal kidney work,
-- disappeared oedema eye and normal weight of urine.
7. The immune system is constantly struggling to protect bacteria and watching their numbers, maintaining the colonization of the body toxins at an acceptable row. Radi increase satellites need to suppress stress, which is useful to the client and used tumor.
8. Organism odladaet attributes of self-route and making the required number of acid and alkali in the gastric body supports the desired kilotno-alkaline balance.
9. Self likely favor in the body has the number of parasites and a number of toxins entering the body. Toxins oppressed by the immune system protection.
10. If the immune system loses the ability to monitor the protection allowed by parasites, vstrevozhivaetsya system of self-acid-alkaline balance. Acidity diarrhoeal gut tract move relatively normal acidity to the same charge, or the brink, ie is not normal acidity of the gastrointestinal tract with superiority in acidic or alkaline environment. The deviation from normal acid-alkaline balance vstrevozhivaetsya normal work of the body. Otklonnie ZHELUDOCHNO-KISHECHN acidity. Trakt. in the alkaline side leads to a deterioration perevarivaniya meal, but it helps education pathogenic flora. Rejection ZHELUDOCHNO-KISHECHN acidity. Trakt. in the acidic side destroys the cells of the body and creates pockets of his wounds. Diverting self organism to maintain the normal acid-alkaline balance leads to the body's susceptibility to different food. Begin heartburn and pain in the sense ZHELUDOCHNO-KISHECHN. Trakt .. There constipation and gas.
11. ITA is an organism colonization toxins Trichomoniasis moving to sedentariness, and start to develop the colony. Cancer is the last degree of various diseases. From this moment startuetsya uncontrolled growth of trihomonad.
12. Colonia trihomonad can develop in the connective matter and develop sarcoma or develops on the surface and forms a matter Rectum Epithelial cancer.
13. By the time the development of the immune system cancer protection already provided satellites and is immune suppressed. Immunodeficiency in turn calls ubystrennoe education and other pathogenic microbes colonize increases oganizma toxins.
14. Trihomonad colony located on the surface matter what they are eating their toxins. Trichomoniasis grazed on the surface of cloth, and feed the body cells, keeps moving under the action of toxins in giperplastichnoe provision (razmyagchayutsya). Oncologists long-term benefit maligniizatsiya cells beneath it and understand the situation giperplastichnoe and ductile cells. Malignancy matter is the basic marker on what is designated tumor malignancy. Radi analysis done puncture and kidney tumors in analyzing materiya.Toksiny eating to the same matter, and forced her necrosis. Trichomoniasis cells used for their feeding and seek to master the new parts of matter with healthy cells. Trihomonad implanting stem cells into healthy (invasion). Necrosis and wound invasion and create annoying matter. Rana, in turn, calls tumor. As trihomonad growth of the tumor growing.
15. The organism reacts to wound healing wounds and startuetsya healthy klktkami which start accelerated share. In exodus killed replaced by healthy cells.
16. In order to create better circumstances sake of feeding cells, which have begun sharing, and healing the wounds of the organism leads to a number of additional tumor blood vessels healthy and growing krovesnabzhenie matter tumor.
17. Conditionally tumor consists of layers. The first layer-healthy matter to a growing supply of blood. The second layer-malignizirovannaya matter. The third layer-trihomonad colony. Fourth-layer shell storoma tumor.
18. In exodus attack and necrotic material formed incurable wound, which calls swelling and severe pain syndromes of the customer.
19. As the colony trihomonad in the outcome of their breeding increases respectively incurable wound. Increased tumor area stems after the invasion expense (vgryzaniya trihomonad in a healthy matter)
20. In the early to start to develop other pathogens and startuetsya festering inside the tumor, because immune mechanism of the body is in a weakened position.
21. Rana and tumor matter ever stronger.
22. Radi protect themselves from the immune system produces fibrin trihomonad colony and surrounds himself from the outside sheathing stroma (capsule). Substance sake of construction is coming in the stroma tumor blood, which rolled and slime which emit Trichomoniasis. Strictly friendly builds trihomonad colony.
23. As the tumor and shell wounds growing tumor stroma.
24. Trichomoniasis in tumor mobile, repel each other, because a negative charge, and do not form a solid material. Colonia trihomonad inside the tumor does not form a solid material. Beer in the tumor matter is far below normal and healthy matter, according analizirovany held below about 10 times.
25. Colonia trihomonad erodes matter uneven surface. In the matter of running out of a tumor becomes izyazvlennoy and loose.
26. The form of cancer can take shapes, for example, may remind cancer in dogs, which occur in the outcome trihomonad invasion in a healthy matter to all sides.
27. From the appearance of the wound launch healthy cells of the body start to share, to replace the dying cells. The mechanism of division has always included to heal the wound.
28. Thus, the cancer involves colony trihomonad and other pathogenic bacteria, but in addition, healthy cells of the body, which began divisions with a view to healing the wounds.
29. As the colony trihomonad and strengthening an open wound increasing mass of fissionable healthy cells, which leads to increased tumor size. Education trihomonad colony, increasing the size of the wound and increasing tumor accompanied by strong feelings painful.
30. Matter of tumor markers matter where it is developing, because This matter is a substance sake construction healing wounds.
31. Trichomoniasis with a current of blood spread throughout the body. Trichomoniasis combine several education degrees, which differ in size. Kids trihomonad initsiale has a size comparable to viruses. These kids can penetrate through the blood to the head. Metastases can occur in the head.
32. Start development of cancer is the last degree trihomonadami colonization of the organism.
33. Colony trihomonad embryos and cancer can appear in different portsyah organism.
34. Since trihomonad colony grows, and the wound is not healed, the cells continue to share representation infinity and growing tumor mass. The tumor is incurable, constantly growing wound.
35. Colonia trihomonad can share this colony and the portion with a current blood can be transferred to a special section of the body, which may appear metastasis. The tumor metastasis will increase as growth trihomonad colony.
36. Matter of tumor metastasis concludes markers matter of the body section where there metastasis.
37. In cancer no separate cancer transformed cells, which have changed the genome of cells, and, therefore, cancer is not genetic, but parazitarnoe disease.
38. In no cancer cells transformed with genetically modified and, therefore, there is no immortal cells, which do not lend themselves to medication curable. Lack of cancer cells transformed cancer lies in a fundamental change in the scheme of healing cancer and exposure to abandon the operation and chemotherapy.
39. Radi healing cancer might easily file a product the body to destroy trihomonad and other microorganisms in the tumor and metastases probable. Need to cure the whole organism of the total parasitic disease.
40. In histological medicines are not immortal cancer cells, and Trichomoniasis, which can be endlessly divided.
41. Therapy of trihomonad duty to be long on the special admission scheme drugs to quell all of trihomonad zahoronok where insufficient blood vessels and blood hit much more difficult to what is possible.
42. We can not use the percussion parts products so as not to cause massive loss trihomonad because in the event of an organism can get a large number of toxins and killed trihomonad may come poisoning organism.
43. Trihomonad of effective medicine can be trihopol (metranidozol). Then launch reception products, and related trihomonad kill germs begin zatihanie painful sensation on the client.
44. When removing trihomonad can startovatsya education in the body fungi species candidates. Consequently, along with trihopolom type of product is likely to take nystatin.
45. The task of healing is weakening trihomonad all and end their reproduction. Trihomonad permanently weakened immune system would destroy the body.
46. Radi final suppression trihomonad desirable to increase the immune system to protect the body, for what may take Immunosuppressive stimulants, for example, blastofag.
47. Then launch cure cancer therapeutic way to begin the gradual recovery of dead body and Trichomoniasis, while other microorganisms start rassasyvatsya and leave the tumor.
48. The cells continue to share, to heal the wound, which stopped necrosis matter, because trihomonad anymore, and other microorganisms.
49. Stems final healing wounds and her rassasyvanie without the operation, radiation and chemotherapy.
50. Catalyse the sake of healing the wounds raznozazhivlyayuschie take appropriate medication or folk ways, for example, raw potatoes, which is the best way to anti-because O'Brien range kills microorganisms and viruses.
51. If zarubtsuetsya wound, the cells no longer share and full recovery will occur without risk of relapse and subsequent descent metastasis.
52. Radi normal functioning Optimizes immune system in the body is obliged to support acid-alkaline balance. In the body to stay in the balance of enzymes and inhibitors.
53. The effect of full healing without cancer metastasis are many healers together with Svischevoy.
54. Experience healing route suppress cancer trihomonad Melnikova is a doctor from Voronezh and others.
(see s.250 Svischevoy book-252).
55. When Cancer Healing in no event should not be used tsitostatiki.
56. We need to ban the use of harmful cancer sake of healing and criminal otchachniya technology, which, instead of curing suppresses all efforts organism.
57. When dechenii obliged to come full recovery without relapse but is rejuvenating effect on the body at least 10-20 years.
58. Radi cancer therapy can be used simple methods of healing. We should only accept the theory of cancer and parasitic existence in the body trihomonad how receptive only to the specific items in the quantities to trihopolu.
59. It is possible to distinguish between the present and not a real cancer. This cancer in the tumor necessarily owns trihomonad colony. Researchers rarely forced artificial cancer is not currently using local irritation with the help of carcinogens, which can cause wound and tumor matter. This tumor treated route eliminating irritation and healing the wounds, for example, the use of raw potatoes.
60. Parasite appearance Cancer can be treated long fasting for a complete urine method Armstrong. In this precedent organism uses all reserves organism and uses microorganisms and trihomonad as feeding. Less toxins from the bacteria and trihomonad provide a full treatment of cancer. Cancer can be prevented when sberezhena a strong immune system.

Perhaps designate that the formula presented Parasite cancer occurrence given a new interpretation that the malignancy of cells, and moreover, why suited to the additional tumor blood vessels. The new interpretation of the availability of additional vessels krovensnyh reveals brutal error in the proposed methodology onkogenetikami therapy route overlap income blood to the tumor. This leads to the oppression of healthy cells, which do the work of healing the wounds of division route.
. Vyzhnaya reference from the book Svischevoy s.210: Seven long years of my work on the problem trihomonadnoy not be left useless ...... Trihomonada become increasingly confident to enter the minds of doctors. Trihopol became a desktop product Radiologic VONTsa. Protivotrihomonadnymi way to treat gastric ulcers body, and non-tubercular pneumonia paradantozy, used during operations and chemotherapy cancer patients when used Healing cardiological customers. And finally, a toothpaste with metronidazole, the truth foreign production. So far, we dealt with trihomonadoy, foreigners have already started issuing protivotrihomonadnyh preparative hygiene and novelties.
This important link. Trihopolom treat gastric ulcers and organ cancer. It was found that gastric ulcers are caused by microorganisms body type trihomonad. Body treating gastric ulcer hundred years using operations that led to disability clients. For detecting parasitic outbreak of anthrax, it turned out that it might cure outpatient means suppressing the causative agent. Consequently gastric ulcers Authority must take parasitic disease. Logically, and combines parazitarnoe cancer occurrence, because trihopolom curable. Prior to the establishment of a parasitic causes of gastric ulcers traditional healers body intuitively pick ulcer healing methods. Was found that gastric ulcers could heal the body dosed reception alcohol, and to the same raw potato on toschah. These methods allow healing of ulcers suppress parasites. Now the sake of curing cancer used method Shevchenko, as a cancer treated with vodka with butter. In addition, there are reports that need to cure cancer reception crude potatoes. Here visible direct analogy confirming that parazitarnoe cancer is a disease which may cure a simple way without the operation.
All items formula cancer may specify, could still arise in the following new paragraphs edited by formula Parasite cancer occurrence.
Because the formula is designed algorithm presented cure cancer and suggest methods Healing with the author's name Life Preserver. Methods published, and subjected to massive verification occurred positive feedback from patients. We propose to discuss the main condition parasite theory of cancer. We opened the copyright issue Opposition theories of cancer in many forums on cancer disease .. The main condition of the proposed formula cancer appear at the forum membranes also in April 2004 Outcomes verification methodology cancer therapy are named SK fact, what lies take any other theory of cancer false. Requests for urgent review of all textbooks on oncology. All told, we are ready to justify and answer all questions during the debate. We oppose many of the works of doctors and academics, which has brought the problem of cancer to a standstill. Boris Czopowski (Veritas), and Vasily Plyusnin (Plyus.) 23.06.07.
Substance published on the website www.rak.flyboard.ru

Автор:  Veritas [ 16-09, 02:23 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Вот свежая публикация нашей формулы рака от 1 июля 2008 г..

http://lyba69.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html Формула

Она уже гуляет по всему свету и её перепечатыват серьезные медицинские издания в интернете. Молва пошла из уст в уста. Медики изголодались и им интересно узнать новое и необычное. Может быть смогут прочистить свои мозги. Надо бы сделать нормальный перевод на английский и тиснуть в медицинские зарубежные издания. Должен подняться вой, т.к. все проще пареной репы и бесплатно. Это нож в сердце всем онкогенетикам, у которых хотят отнять дойную корову и кормушку. Это наша поддержка выводов ВОЗ о том, что рак является паразитарным заболеванием. Сражение за истину разгорается. Кто не с нами, тот против нас. ИМХО.

Автор:  Sapiens [ 04-10, 21:43 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Veritas писал(а):
http://lyba69.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html Формула

Шквал комментариев за полтора месяца свидетельствует об истинной степени интереса к этому шизофреническому сочинению.

У меня возрождается вера в человеческий разум.

Автор:  Veritas [ 05-10, 00:01 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Sapiens писал(а):
Шквал комментариев за полтора месяца свидетельствует об истинной степени интереса к этому шизофреническому сочинению.

Это свидетельствует только о шоке, который испытывают медики. Мы ждем, когда они выйдут из шока. Ведь эта формула все ставит с головы на ноги. Если признают нашу формулу, то Нобелевская премия у нас в кармане. Игра стоит свеч. А пока все говорит в пользу нашей формулы. У Сапиенса тогда нужно будет отобрать диплом. Москва не сразу строилась. ИМХО.

Автор:  Veritas [ 05-10, 00:10 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

К стати, наша формула рака во многом совпадает с формулой рака целителя Мясоедова, но Сапиенс на форуме по раку журнала Наука и Жизнь её сразу стер. Теперь говорит, что это не он, но ясно, что с его подачи. Знает кошка, чье мясо съела.

Автор:  Veritas [ 26-06, 23:05 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Привожу перечень источников в СМИ, где напечатана наша с Плюсом формула рака паразитарного происхождения. Это список буду дополнять по мере поступления новых публикаций.

1. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения. — Паразитарная теория ...
Формула рака паразитарного происхождения это не просто, а нож в сердце ... Наша с Плюсом Формула рака паразитарного происхождения переведена на английский ...
www.rak.flyboard.ru/topic210-15.html - 92k - Cached - Similar pages

2. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения. — Паразитарная теория ...
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При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались ...... Наша с Плюсом формула рака паразитарного происхождения шагает по планете, ...
www.rak.flyboard.ru/topic210.html - 152k - Cached - Similar pages
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3. Альтернативная медицина, онкология, борьба с раком ...
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Можно отметить, что в представленной формуле рака паразитарного происхождения дается новое толкование, что такое малигнизация клеток, а также почему к ...
www.altermedicin.com/alternativemethod/ ... theorytwo/ - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

4. Дискуссия о формуле рака - Медицинская библиотека сервера MedLinks.ru
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Выдвижение собственной формулы паразитарного происхождения рака позволила .... В настоящее время мы рады, что формула рака паразитарного происхождения ...
www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=30159 - 84k - Cached - Similar pages

5. Медицина 2.0 / Результаты поиска - гинекологическое заболевани
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Предлагаем открыть новую тему: Формула рака паразитарного происхождения, авторами которой являемся я, Борис Veritas и Василий Плюс. Такой формулы, ...
www.med2.ru/search.php?search=%E3%E8%ED ... B%E5%E2%E0%E... - 76k - Cached - Similar pages

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6. Форум | журнал "Наука и жизнь"
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Jun 4, 2008 ... Формула рака паразитарного происхождения | Медицина и Вы - советы . ... При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались ...
www.nkj.ru/forum/read.php?PAGEN_3=7&FID=12&TID=9827 - 81k - Cached - Similar pages

7. Херсонский Ведрусс Forums-viewtopic-ПОБЕДА НАД РАКОМ, СПИДом, ДЦП ...
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Предлагаю обсудить, предложенную мной, Чоповским Борисом Петровичем и Плюсниным Василием Ивановичем новую Формулу рака паразитарного происхождения, ...
www.vedruss.ks.ua/modules.php?name=Foru ... rder=asc... - 93k - Cached - Similar pages

8. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения / Онкология / Медицинские ...
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ФОРМУЛА РАКА ПАРАЗИТАРНОГО ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ (Вариант 2 от 28.07.06) .... При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались следующте тезисы ...
medinfa.ru/article/12/115327/ - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

9. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения
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Авторы Чоповский Б.П. и Плюснин В.И. Предлагаем открыть новую тему: Формула рака паразитарного происхождени.
all-blood.ru/2008/02/06/1621.html - 71k - Cached - Similar pages

10. Medicinform.Ru - Медицинский Форум. Бесплатные медицинские ...
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Яцкевичу я давно предлагаю разбирать нашу с Плюсом формулу рака паразитарного происхождения и отвечать на вопросы, а он только заговаривает зубы. ...
medicinform.ru/index.php?showtopic=15125&st=15 - 107k - Cached - Similar pages

11. Форум rak.by :: Просмотр темы - Противостояние теорий ...
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В этой теме я хочу изложить свою формулу рака паразитарного происхождения, составленную на основе положений исследований Свищевой Т.Я., которая объясняет, ...
www.rak.by/forum/viewtopic.php?t=38 - 108k - Cached - Similar pages

12. МедВопрос Медицинские статьи - Онкология - Формула рака ...
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Предлагаем открыть новую тему: Формула рака паразитарного происхождения, .... При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались следующте ...
medvopros.com/story.php?rubr=33&des=2711 - 82k - Cached - Similar pages

13. На просторах Вечности. :: Просмотр темы - Противостояние теорий ...
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Feb 18, 2007 ... Мы с Плюсом впервые составили полную формулу рака паразитарного происхождения. Эта формула имеет целью заменить все существующие ...
www.zvezdaput.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34 - 202k - Cached - Similar pages

14. На просторах Вечности. :: Просмотр темы - Противостояние теорий ...
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Jun 5, 2007 ... Скажите, где вы видите ошибки в нашей формуле рака паразитарного происхождения? От вас еще небыло ни одного слова по существу. ...
www.zvezdaput.net/forum/viewtopic.php?start=88&t=34 - 76k - Cached - Similar pages

15. MedLinks.ru
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Дискуссия о формуле рака всетаки началась и ведется также на форуме ... что представляют формулу, которая описывает все стадии паразитарного происхождения, ...
www.medlinks.ru/comments.php?op=showrep ... &order=&... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

16. Medicinform.Ru - Медицинский Форум. Бесплатные медицинские ...
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А разобрать ангументрованно формулу рака паразитарного происхождения клоунам слабо. Поэтому нужно заткнуться, а молчание знак согласия. ...
medicinform.ru/index.php?showtopic=15125&st=945 - 105k - Cached - Similar pages

17. MEMBRANA | Здоровье | Паразитарная теория рака
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Насчет паразитарного происхождения рака я не сомневаюсь. .... заболеваний по пунктам, как это сделал я в отношении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения. ...
www.membrana.ru/forum/health.html?parent=1052055779 - 155k - Cached - Similar pages

18. Форум | журнал "Наука и жизнь"
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Никто не знает, что такое рак, а уже есть формулы рака паразитарного происхождения и в них описаны все стадии развития рака. Дыма без огня не бывает, ...
nkj.ru/forum/read.php?PAGEN_3=8&PAGEN_4=9&FID=12&TID=7742 - 78k - Cached - Similar pages

19. Формула рака паразитарного походження
Пропонуємо відкрити нову тему: Формула рака паразитарного походження, ... По онкогенетической теорії є Формула раку генетичного происхождения автора буд.б.н ...
www.krov.net.ua/2008/02/06/1621.html - 47k - Cached - Similar pages

20. MEMBRANA | Здоровье | Рак: обсуждение современных концепций
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Вам что, опять нужно разъяснять формулу рака паразитарного происхождения? На этом топике ни в коем случае нельзя вести разговор только о раке генетического ...
forum.membrana.ru/forum/health.html?parent=1052163146 - 212k - Cached - Similar pages

21. Портал Беларусь Сегодня | Общество - Сделать больше, чем можешь!
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Но все самые острые вопросы рассматриваются на сайте www.rak.flyboard.ru Там даже есть формула рака паразитарного происхождения и новая методика лечения ...
sb.by/article.php?articleID=59554 - 93k - Cached - Similar pages

22. Subscribe.Ru : Медицинские интернет-новости MedLinks.Ru
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Jul 2, 2007 ... Лук против рака. Гранатовый сок помогает в борьбе с ВИЧ. ... Формула рака паразитарного происхождения • Способ резекции подвздошной кишки с ...
subscribe.ru/archive/science.health.medlink/200707/02103622.html - 73k - Cached - Similar pages

23. Medicina-Online.Ru - Дискуссия о формуле рака
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Авторы статьи «Формула паразитарного происхождения рака», Чоловский Б.П. и Плюскин В.М., опубликованной на сайте Medlinks.ru предложили обсудить основные ...
www.medicina-online.ru/articles/39876/ - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

24. MEMBRANA | Здоровье | Паразитарная теория рака
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Формула рака № 2 ставит все на свои места, но Вам доказать это будет очень трудно. ...... Это одна из причин гонения паразитарной теории происхождения рака. ...
forum.membrana.ru/forum/health.html?parent=1051996966 - 416k - Cached - Similar pages

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В зависимости от характера возбудителя выделяют абсцессы бактериального и паразитарного (амебного) происхождения. Благодаря успехам диагностики и лечения в ...
www.rusmedserver.ru/med/gastro2/61.html - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

26. Причина рака- паразиты! - ЖГУЧИЙ
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При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались следующте тезисы из книги Т.Я. Свищевой ПРОФИЛАКТИКА РАКА ВОЗМОЖНА. ...
jguchiy.tula.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=255&mode=threaded - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

27. Форум rak.by :: Просмотр темы - Противостояние теорий ...
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Мы договаривались, что мы с Плюсом опубликуем на вашем форуме расширенную формулу рака паразитарного происхождения в противовес формулы рака генетического ...
www.rak.by/forum/viewtopic.php?t=38&sta ... 3e1825d9b8 - 85k - Cached - Similar pages

28. Трансфер Фактор - Омск :: Статьи - Трансфер фактор - это что?
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Рак возникает только тогда, когда это «позволяет» иммунная систем, ... выступать антигены бактериального, вирусного и даже паразитарного происхождения. ...
www.4lifesibir.ru/index.php?act=articles&op=more&id=11 - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

29. Что такое Трансфер Фактор
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Формула целевого воздействия, направленного на хронические инфекции, ... выступать антигены бактериального, вирусного и даже паразитарного происхождения. ...
www.4life-spb.ru/transferfactor.htm - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

30. Лейкоцитарная формула
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Лейкоцитарная формула – процентное соотношение различных видов лейкоцитов. ... Злокачественные опухоли (рак паренхимы почки, молочной и предстательной ...
www.volgograd.ru/theme/medic/diagnostik ... /42276.pub - 66k - Cached - Similar pages

31. http://lyba69.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html Формула

32. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения
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ФОРМУЛА РАКА ПАРАЗИТАРНОГО ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ (Вариант 2 от 28.07.06) .... При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались следующте тезисы ...

33. File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
При составлении формулы рака паразитарного происхождения учитывались следующте тезисы из книги Т.Я. Свищевой ПРОФИЛАКТИКА РАКА ВОЗМОЖНА. ...
jguchiy.tula.net/forum/index.php?act=Print&client=wordr&f=32&t=255 –

34. Формула рака паразитарного происхождения http://donsphynx.ru/cancer1/
Добавляю еще публикации по формуле рака

35.http://www.tvermed.ru/pubs/onkologiya/f ... eniya.html
36. http://www.tutmedicina.ru/forum/
37. http://clickfarma.ru/article/12/115327/

Автор:  Хан [ 14-07, 04:10 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

На Западе провели иследование ,что рак матки вызывает виру.Против которой делают инъекцию вакцины. Не помню кто утверждал на форуме, что вирус это не живая субстанция.Тогда какя может быть вакцина?

Автор:  Veritas [ 14-07, 05:39 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Хан писал(а):
Не помню кто утверждал на форуме, что вирус это не живая субстанция.Тогда какя может быть вакцина?

Это вопрос принципиальный. На него ответ дает Петрович и говорит, что вирус это формула яда. Но тогда, как он может размножаться, заражать весь организм и мутировать? Почему против вируса восстает ИСЗ и поднимает температуру тела, как против обычных чужеродных организмов. Если есть вакцины, то как они создают иммунитет против яда? Почему вирусы имеют разновидность, птичий, свиной, человеческий? Вакцины делают из крови заболевших организмов. Вообщем дело ясное, что дело темное.

Автор:  Хан [ 14-07, 12:26 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Не понятно выражение, вирус-формула яда? Это как, лес-формула огня?

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